This is the official website for the primary school curriculum brought to you by the National Council for Currciulum and Assessment (N.C.C.A.).
We have taken the curriculum areas and used them in our school planning. The plans are adapted to meet the needs of the children.
The following section is from the N.C.C.A. website:
Curriculum Overview
The aims of the curriculum are
• to enable the child to live a full life as a child and to realise his or her potential as a unique individual • to enable the child to develop as a social being through living and co-operating with others and so contribute to the good of society • to prepare the child for further education and lifelong learning. The curriculum is learner-centred. It emphasises the importance of literacy, numeracy, and language, while at the same time responding to changing needs in science and technology, social personal and health education, and citizenship.
The curriculum is presented in six subject areas comprising 11 subjects:
Language English, Gaeilge
Social Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE) History, Geography, Science
Arts Education Visual Arts, Drama, Music
Physical Education
Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE)
Key aims, principles and features of the curriculum are explained in the Introduction and they underpin teaching and learning in all curriculum subjects. Curriculum documents (which contain content objectives and strands/strand units) and teacher guidelines are provided for each curriculum subject. In its totality, the Primary School Curriculum aims to enable children to meet, with self-confidence and assurance, the demands of life, both now and in the future (Introduction, p.6).
Special Education Needs
As parents you may look for additional information and support for your child. The National Council for Special Education (N.C.S.E.) has published a document that may be of interest.
The N.C.S.E. is the organisation that allocates extra support resources such as resource time with a teacher and support from a special needs assistant. The significant change in 2011-2012 is as follows: previously a child was allocated time for themselves and now the child has shared access to this time.