Sports & Local Clubs

School Sports:

The school supports the children to enjoy the following sports in school:

  • Cross Country Running
  • Soccer
  • GAA Hurling/Camogie/Football 
  • Football
  • Tennis

We also hold a fantactic Sports Day each year for the school.

Please see our Sports News for all our updates. 

School Sports Day
Sports Day 2

Local Clubs:

Ahane National School is delighted to have the following clubs accessable for all the children: 

Camogie, Hurling & Gaelic Football for girls & boys:

Lisnagry Football Club

Aisling Annacotty Football Club

UL Boheniam Rugby Club

Newport Rugby Club

Ahane Scouts Club

Newport Athletics Club

Castletroy Hockey Club

There are numerous other clubs in the locality including dance, music, speech and drama which may be of interest to your child.

Please let us know if you would like your club included in this list.

Ahane cup.jpg
All Ireland Cup