Junior Infants

Junior Infants are blooming!

We have been developing our green fingers this month in Junior infants, by planting sunflowers. We planted them from seeds and watched as they began to grow in the classroom. We gave them plenty of water and they were bathed in sunlight with the recent fine weather we have been having. 

We brought them home last Friday, as they were beginning to outgrow our pots,  and hopefully they will continue to grow and flourish!



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World Book Day 2017

On March 2nd, Junior infants celebrated world book day by bringing in their favorite book in the world, shared that book with the rest of the class and got an opportunity to browse the favorite books of their classmates. It was made extra special by dressing up as our favorite book characters. We had plenty of princesses and superheroes, Tinkerbell, a dinosaur, Tiddler the fish, Bob the builder, and a cowboy to name but a few.



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